DiskLocker™ is a shareware product. If you decide to keep it please send a check, money order or cash for the amount of 60 FF (i.e. $10 U.S.). If you can't pay in French Francs, please send only cash or traveller checks.
You will receive a registration number which will stop the annoying reminder message. More, you can use this registration number instead of your password if you have forgotten it ! (See below for details.) To receive the latest version of DiskLocker™ and my other shareware products, just enclose a floppy disk or give me your electronic address.
Please send your payment (and the name that will replace the "Unregistered copy" message in the main dialog) to:
From May 1995 :
Olivier Lebra
8, rue Paul Bounin
06100 Nice
Tel : (+33) 93 98 40 91
or, until May 1995 only :
Olivier Lebra
1950, Lincoln App. #1707
Montreal, Quebec
H3H 2N8
Tel : (+1) 514-846 9781
Internet address :
olebra@ifaedi.insa-lyon.fr (valid until July 1996)
(You can also try lebra@cs.concordia.ca until May 1995 but I prefer you use the address above.)
I am a french student, but I spend this year in Montréal in Concordia University.
I am in Canada at least until May 1995 so you can send $12 Can. Thanks.
What is DiskLocker™ ?
DiskLocker™ is a security utility. It allows you to lock and unlock a volume(floppy disks, SysQuest cartdriges,...) easily. When a disk is locked, it can not be changed, no files can be modified or thrown away, but you can ever read from the disk. You can attach a password with each disk you lock. Of course, this password will be necessary to unlock the disk.
System Requirements
DiskLoker™ works only on Macintosh running system software version 7.0 or later.
Choose a disk in the list. If you want, enter a password in the edit box, and press the Lock button (or Unlock if the disk was previously locked). If there is a password attached to a locked disk, you must enter it in the edit box before to be allowed to unlock the disk.
When a disk is locked by DiskLocker™, an unfilled lock symbol appear near the disk name in the list. If the disk is physically locked, the symbol is filled (if the disk is locked by DiskLocker™ and physically locked, the symbol is filled...).
If a disk is physically locked, DiskLocker™ can neither lock or unlock the disk.
Because some programs, such as the Finder™, display the lock status of disks, DiskLocker™ forces all windows to be redrawn whenever you lock or unlock a disk.
Additional Information
Don't forget your password !
Don't install DiskLocker™ on an unlocked disk. Someone may lock your disk !
When you register for DiskLocker™, you receive a registration number. You can use it as a password if you have forgotten it. If you forget your registration number, I can send it to you as quickly as possible
Contacting the author
Don't hesitate to contact me ! Please send me bugs reports, suggestions about DiskLocker™ (and, if possible, $10 !!!). I would like to discuss the possibility of collaborating on future programming projects. If you give me your address, I will send you all my other programs and future versions of DiskLocker™. Please enclose a floppy disk if you have no access to Internet.
Revision history
10/27/94 Version 1.2
- passwords entered in the edit box are now always crypted
- the registration number can be use as a password if the real password was forgotten
06/02/94 Version 1.1v2
- the DiskLocker™ window is no longer redrawn when locking or unlocking
(only background windows and desktop are redrawn)
- DiskLocker™ became shareware
05/23/94 Version 1.1v1
- lock symbol was not updated when hard locking a disk ejected but mounted
- bug with the clipboard fixed + toggle Hide-Show (the Finder does not toggle but TeachText (and now SimpleText) does it, so I did it)
05/22/94 Version 1.1
- more beautiful interface
- more efficient lock/unlock method
- hardware and software lock symbols are now different
- one password per disk
- no longer compatible with system 6.0.7
05/18/94 Version 1.0v2
- there was not enough memory to display the "About box" ! (not easy to test it)
05/18/94 Version 1.0v1
- there was not enough memory to display the "About box" (thanks David Airey)
05/18/94 DiskLocker 1.0 released
Shareware Info
DiskLocker™ is a shareware program. It can be distributed freely as long as this document is included. This package may be included in the "pay for the media" shareware distribution methods (such as, but not limited to, CD-ROM archives) as long as Olivier Lebra, author of DiskLocker™, is informed about the distribution of AutoCat™.
DiskLocker™ comes with no warranty, written or implied. Olivier Lebra accepts no liability for the use or performance of DiskLocker™. Olivier Lebra accepts no liability for any damage caused by the use of DiskLocker™. Use of DiskLocker™ implies your complete acceptance of this warranty.